Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Al fin Labrapalabra

Después de un hiato de varios años Labrapalabra vuelve a estar en la red. Con este número, el octavo, que acabo de subir a la Internet para ponerlo a disposición de todos, esperamos reiniciar lo que fue un proyecto no tanto pretensioso como iluso. De ilusión se vive. Y la ilusión que Labrapalabra ha sido tanto tiempo tiene ahora cuerpo y presencia en el espacio cibernético. Esperamos que cuente con lectores y colaboradores que la mantengan activa y efectiva por mucho tiempo.

Para acceder a la revista úsese la dirección que se indica abajo; si se usa el buscador aparecerán otras páginas que no tienen nada que ver con nuestra revista:


Monday, September 26, 2011

The Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio (SLHWSA) and Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing, invites the public to attend its second Book Fair Saturday, October 1, 2011, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

A panel of Hispanic writers will talk about their path to publication and will present their latest works.

San Antonio award-winning children’s writer, Diane Gonzales Bertrand, who has been a supporter of the Society for many years, will open the panel discussion with a Children’s Hour at 1 p.m. She is the author of more than thirty books, children’s picture books and books for young adults. Seven other authors will join Gonzalez Bertrand in what promises to be an entertaining afternoon.

Poet and essay writer Marian Haddad will charm listeners with her down to earth poetry, and authors Martha Caso and Barbara Sonnen-Hernandez, who have written about serious subjects dealing with illnesses and the Mexican-American civil rights struggle, will leave their mark on the public’s heart.

Ani Palacios McBride, whose novel “Nos Vemos en Purgatorio” won first place in the Spanish adventure category of the Twelfth Annual International Latino Books Awards in 2010, will present her third novel, “Plúmbago Torres y el Sueño Americano”. Photographer Steve Valdes, developed and published a planning guide for quinceañeras, a beautiful tradition which celebrates the passing from girlhood to womanhood in the Hispanic culture. Nanette Guadiano and Bertha Jacobson will present a young adult mystery anthology, “You Don’t Have a Clue”, published by Arte Público Press.

“We have been working very hard on this event, and we feel we have a good mix of authors that represent the talents and diversity of the Hispanic culture,” stated SLHWSA president Lupe M. Gonzalez. “The Society’s mission is to inspire, promote and support Hispanic writers. Our vision is to make an impact in the literary world by sharing our culture through our writings as well as to increase literacy.”

The Book Fair will also be an opportunity for the Society to raise funds since Barnes and Noble will donate a percentage of the proceeds to the organization. “This will help us to create more learning activities for our writers,” Gonzalez continued, “as well as to do more outreach in the community.”

Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing, is located at 321 NW Loop 410 #104, at the intersection of Loop 410 and San Pedro.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


El fuego consume

un bello campo que ya no existe

Un incendio forestal de los mas graves que se han visto en Texas, destruyó este verano uno de los paisajes más bellos del estado.
El tramo colindante con el Parque estatal “Lost Pines”, sobre la carretera 21, atravesando la ciudad de Barstrop, sufrió grandes pérdidas. Dos semanas después de que las llamas consumieron más de quinientas viviendas en la comarca, pasamos por allí camino a College Station.
En un paisaje desolador casi surrealista, extraído de una historia de terror, o del Apocalipsis, vimos sobre capas de cenizas, los techos de casas destruidas, carros quemados, una chimenea de piedra elevándose al cielo en medio de un valle carbonizado, líneas interminables de árboles renegridos, ramas pelonas y caídas, siluetas fantasmales, testigos mudos de la destrucción.